Find your NI number

Find your National Insurance number in the TaxBoxx App.

· 2 min read · Help articles· TaxBoxx App


You have a National Insurance number to make sure your National Insurance contributions and tax are recorded against your name only. It is made up of letters and numbers and never changes. HMRC, your employer, DWP and other organisations may ask you for this number. This guide is written to help you find your NI number in the TaxBoxx App.

Where to find your NI number

1. Press on the "More" button in the bottom tab bar.

Press on the "More" button in the bottom tab bar

2. Press on the "Your profile" button

Press on the "Your profile" button

3. "Your profile" is shown

"Your profile" is shown

4. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and your "NI number" is detailed

Your "NI number" is detailed

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