Contact us

Feel free to get in touch with our friendly team, we'll be happy to help!

Contact information

Mon - Fri, 8:30am to 5:00pm

Park View Business Centre
SY13 4AL

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Frequently asked questions

Can I talk to you outside of office hours?

Of course! We offer calls and web meetings outside of office hours on an appointment basis. To arrange an out-of-hours appointment please send us a message using the form on this page.

What areas do you cover?

We’re happy to offer our services across all of England, Scotland and Wales. Our service is delivered online so you’ll need an internet connection to become a TaxBoxx client.

Where are your accountants based?

In Shropshire, England. 100% of them. We’ll never outsource our service or sell your data.

Is my data secure?

Yes. We use bank-level security to secure our apps and systems. You can find out more information in our privacy policy.

Can I have a face-to-face meeting?

In short, yes, but we like to try other ways of communicating first.

We believe most conversations can be held via the TaxBoxx App, email, phone and web meetings (think Zoom). We’ve done it successfully for years and have discussed pretty much every topic you can think of this way.

Communicating remotely has a few major benefits such as; being able to have a conversation quicker, saving travel time getting to and from a meeting destination, and having all your resources available to hand (such as your computer and paperwork).

We do however understand the value that face-to-face meetings offer, so if we’ve tried other communications methods and you’d still like a face-to-face meeting, we’d be happy to meet you in-person!

How do I move from my current accountant to TaxBoxx?

Many people get nervous about switching accountants, even if they’re not happy with the service they’re receiving. Fortunately there’s a standard procedure that accountants follow to help people wishing to move to another provider.

When you decide to become a TaxBoxx client we’ll contact your previous accountant directly requesting the information we need to take over your affairs. If you receive regular ongoing services such as payroll, we also agree a transition date with them to ensure you don’t experience a loss of service.

In most cases the process is complete in a week or two, though it can take longer depending on how quickly your previous advisors reply to our request. Ensuring that any outstanding fees owing to your current accountants are settled will help speed up the process.